Dr. Jeffery Ng


Dr. Jeffery Ng’s journey to optometry started in university. One day in his second year of university, he contracted a pink eye. Like most dismissive university students, he continued with his daily activities for a few weeks until his eye became red, swollen and blurry. He sought the help of his family physician and was prescribed antibiotic drops to no avail. He was referred to an optometrist who was able to diagnose him with epidemic viral conjunctivitis, a condition that antibiotics would do nothing for. His eye quickly resolved with the appropriate eye drops. Because of this experience, Dr. Ng aspired to be an expert in the specialized field of optometry.

Born and raised in Vancouver, Dr. Ng earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of British Columbia and his Doctor of Optometry from the State University of New York College of Optometry. Dr. Ng completed his clinical externships with honors in ocular disease management at the Newington Veteran Affairs Hospital in Connecticut and at the prestigious University Eye Center in Manhattan, NY.

Dr. Jeffery Ng

He also traveled to Nicaragua with his fellow externs in SVOSH (the student chapter of VOSH International (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) and provided free eye exams to third world locals.

After graduation, Dr. Ng went on to practice optometry in New York as well as California, gaining experience in private practice and several specialty settings working with ophthalmologists at laser eye correction centers in Los Angeles and at the Sharp Hospital in San Diego. He also provided civilian
optometric care to the marines and their families at Camp Pendleton United States Marine Base.

Dr. Ng is TPA certified in the U.S. and Ontario, and has full privileges and experience in prescribing topical and oral medications in the United States. Having dry eyes himself, he is passionate about treating others who also suffer from dry eyes, tear film instability and lid margin disease. Dr. Ng is a member in good standing with the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society as well as the Scleral Lens Education Society and the Optometric Nutrition Society.